Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Who would be the audience for your media product?- Evaluation Activity 4

Our target audience for our film Baby on Board is white British females aged 15-21 with a working/middle class family in the UK. As our film include scenes on a sexual natural it would not be suitable for anyone under the age of 15. The people who will be watching our film will come under bracket E: Unemployed, students,pensioners, causal workers and band D: Semi-skilled and unskilled manual workers. We chose this target audience as they could be in some of the same situations as the characters. We made our film appeal to this target audience through the choice of colour and the theme of love and school.

Certain pyschographic aspects need to be considered when creatign a target audeince such as personality, interests and lifestyle. 
Our target audience however is varied due to the amount of different social group which our target audience can relate to. However our target audience is mainly based on some one who socialise a lot and have a some money income of there own to enable them to go out to the cinema which doesn't cost much. They like spending time with friends and family in combination with school work as no characters in this film are scene as not paying attention except from the 'chavs'

Survey and Proof
I made a survey and gave it to people around school and at home so i could see the contrast from the older generation and the younger generation.
From the result we gathered people aged 16-17 favorite genre was teen angst/ romantic comedy, we was happy about this as this is the genre of our film. They also said their favorite shops were Topshop and Newlook, this was helpful to us as in our film the popular girls and scene wearing fashionable clothing.  

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