Wednesday 15 January 2014

Title Sequence and Sound Timeline

0s-4.24s - Premium Films proudly present...
5.17s-8.04s- CRC Productions logo
15.20s-20.4s - Edited by Courtney Holdaway
                        Costume by Rachel Patterson
                       Music by Adam Michaels
21.06s-24.20 - Directed by Chloe Faris
28.07s - 32.08s - Starring Courtney Holdaway
32.14 - 35.06 - Baby on Board
35.08 - 39.19 - With... Rachel Patterson
36.08 - 38.21 - Arrow
45.03 - 49.24 - With...Chloe Faris
46.00 - 48.23 - Arrow
1.06.11 - 1.10.12 - With...Danny Barnett
1.13.14 - 1.17.15 - And Ellen Ryan-Gill
Sound and Music 
0s -1.25.50 - Loving everything I find - Adam Michaels
21.29 - 28.21 - Voiceover -"Ive always had a perfect life..."
32.10 -41.00 - Voiceover
45.09 - 52.15 - Voiceover
1.03.07 - 1.12.03 - Voiceiver
1.12.07 - 1.17.13 - Voiceover
1.21.10 - 1.25.18 - Voiceover
1.25.50 - 1.41.03 - Love song in my mind - Adam Michaels

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